Work Experience

I have experience all around the stack from backend to frontend, as well as DevOps. This summer, I interned in IBM's Extreme Blue program and am currently working as a Product Owner. I'm always looking for more ways to improve my technical and product skills!

Product Owner Intern

September 2021 - PRESENT
Toronto, Canada

Leading client and upper management meetings in collaboration with <Leading Airline> and <Leading Loyalty Program> to gather requirements to oversee the development of their mobile application and partnership integrations used by over 50 million customers using an Agile workflow

Writing user stories, requirements documents, and JIRA tickets to drive product roadmap, positioning and delivery

Facilitating cross‑functional presentations to align teams and upper management, and resolve systemic obstacles

Extreme Blue Software Engineer Intern

May 2021 - September 2021
Toronto, Canada

Spearheaded a dashboard integration with Splunk to visualize and provide data security insights on anomalies, risks and reports for 200,000+ security alerts each day, increasing security analysts efficiency by 61% and accuracy by over 20%

Led client and upper management communications, delivered weekly pitches to IBM executives, collaborated with engineering, design, and business stakeholders to create user stories and align visions and led release management procedures

Created and owned a client facing API client library for the Data Security division, covering 200 endpoints and unit tests

Set up project’s CI/CD pipeline and backend architecture to enable data streaming from Guardium (IBM) to Splunk

Automated the process of packaging, validating, and uploading the application onto GitHub, Artifactory (internal tool), and Splunk

Software Engineer Intern

September 2020 - PRESENT

Transformed the analysis of over $2 million dollars worth of industrial equipment, by spearheading the development of a text analytic program to categorize unstructured data, improving productivity by over 500% as shown by KPIs

Refactoring architecture to localize cloud based application to support multiple languages

Building RESTful APIs for inventory management, and utilizing HTTP methods to develop 10+ Java programs from scratch using Spring Boot to perform data verification and migrations to HubHead’s database, doubling the efficiency of the Data Analysis team

Software Engineer Intern

January 2020 - April 2020

Scaled infrastructure upon Xero acquisition by transforming 1000+ microservices to a headless browsing solution and optimizing postgreSQL migrations

Leveraging Node micro-services to automate financial data aggregation for 100,000+ users, which improved microservice success rates from 25% to 95%+

Optimizing document loading performance; decreased loading speeds to pipeline by over 50%

Developing bash scripts to automate the retrieval process for encrypted credentials

Assists scrum master in planning future sprints based on provided feedback in current sprints

Web & Software
Developer Intern

May 2019 - Aug 2019
North York

Developed interactive tools, cross-browser compatible dynamic websites and videos from scratch for clients such as Samsung, Scotiabank, TD, CIBC and Fidelity in JavaScript, using an agile approach

Implemented a company-wide graphing and accordion library from scratch in TypeScript; Reduced code by 500+ lines in 80% of company projects

Proposed and implemented an internal automated emailing system using the SendGrid API to respond to potential clients, saving $25,000 a year in labour costs

Developed a fully accessible dynamic video with Google Analytics to display at a trade show, helping land 310% more clients than the average month

Full-Stack Web Developer

August 2019 - PRESENT

Developed and continually maintaining the company’s website; viewed by 80+ clients daily and increased sales by $800+ per event

Designs and maintains front-end, client-side and server-side architecture

Programming Tutor

Apr 2017 - Aug 2018

Private and groupd tutor for Computer Science, Math and English for 25+ students in grades 4-8 Created well-documented sample programs, exemplifying standard testing methods


Hover over each tile to see my corresponding stack!

Web Development

My first internship introduced me to the possibilities of web development, which I continued improving on through projects and at hackathons!


Tools/Application Development

From company-wide internal tools, to applications - I have experience in creating scalable tools and applications used to automate processes.


Game Development

My first coding project was to make Doodle Jump! Since then, I have fell in love with the creativity in game development. Check out the games I have made in the past here!

Java Swing API
Unity [learning]


Hover over each tile to see relevant courses/links to the course!

University of Waterloo

2018 - 2023

Bachelor of Computer Science,
Minor in Legal Studies

Designing Functional Programs

Elementary Algorithm Design and Data Abstraction

Object-Oriented Software Development

Logic and Computation




The Complete Node.js
Developer Course III

Click to go to this
course's website!


Check out my github for more projects!
I'm currently in the middle of 2 cool projects so stay tuned :)


Java, SQL

Individually created a desktop game allowing users to play against a chess bot that uses alpha-beta pruning to determine the best move; average win ratio of 12:1.


Financial Forest

JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Node.js, Express, Google Cloud Vision API

Web application aimed to combat fake news; extracts a video’s subtitles to identify its key topics, and fetches relevant articles to fact check against.

Github | Devpost

Block Fax

JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Node.js, Express, Microsoft Azure, Algorand

Web application aimed to combat fake news; extracts a video’s subtitles to identify its key topics, and fetches relevant articles to fact check against.

Github | Devpost

Automated Emailing System

TypeScript, Node.js, Express, MongoDB

Developed an automated emailing system using the SendGrid API to respond to potential clients, saving $25,000 a year in labour costs.

[Used at Previous Internship]

Cactus Climber

Java, Java Swing Package

Doodle Jump variation where users fight off the effects of a custom built gravity-model by jumping on platforms while dodging moving items using the keyboard. Level customization supported.

[Released Soon]


JavaScript, Express, Node.js, MongoDB, Google Cloud

Users can upload pictures of their receipts, and the app suggests more eco-friendly alternatives. Users can see a live-time representation of how their footprint compares with the country's average.

Github | HackerEarth

Graphing Library

TypeScript, HTML, CSS

Webpage helping users calculate their monthly savings and financial goals, illustrated with a graphing tool that dynamic animates any change using sliders made from scratch.


Repair Shop


Creates an optimized repair shop schedule, given inputs on tasks needed to be completed, mechanics avaiable per each task, price, customer availability, and repair rooms/tools available.


Weather Application

JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Node.js, Express, Dark Sky API

Web application where users can enter any location, which is converted to a geolocation used to fetch that location's current weather status using the Dark Sky API. Includes an interactive map.


Move the GreyBlock Out


Logic game where players maneuver blocks to slide a grey block out the grid. Responsible for developing game logic, graphics, piece movement, high score tracking, and code structure.
